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Everything posted by joerg.behrend

  1. I have never used ReportBooks before. But it works fine! Thank a lot yama818 However, I had to make an additional extension in the jasper_extensions.properties file --> see here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67900913/jasper-report-no-part-components-bundle-registered-for-namespace
  2. I'm using Jaspersoft Studio 6.18.1 and 6.9.0 - the problem is in both versions.
  3. Hi guys, I have a (print) report with two areas. There must be a page break between the areas. Both areas themselves do not have a fixed page layout. Use case: Imagine a receipt - a small strip of paper of variable length. The customer receives part 1, the cashier keeps part 2. Problem: Both parts are of different lengths and should not have breaks. That's why I set ignore pagination = true. I added the following report property manually <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.page.break.no.pagination" value="apply"/> and added a break element in the summary band. Surprise - the viewer displays two pages, but both are blank. Hope for help
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