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Everything posted by chaktifarid

  1. Hello, I have a text field that i need to be elastic vertically. I tried all possible combinations of the attached screenshot. Any help please?
  2. Hello, I have a report based on a JSON file, i am trying to print an image which would be stored in the JSON file. What format do I need to use in order to write the image in the JSON file and how can I import it into Jasper? Any idea?
  3. Hello, Is it possible to auto-extend a field horizontally? Thank you and best regards,
  4. Hello, Thank you for your help and time. I have used tables to solve the problem of showing the 2 lines consecutively, but the problem of printing the data 2 times still persist. Now i have 2 consecutive lines on page 1 which is good, and i have the same at page 2 which is bad. The probleme is related to the result of the query, in my case the query return 2 lines ==> detail execute 2 times.
  5. thank you for your answer. "Vu" is a simple text, but the rest of sentence is the result of calling a function stored in a database package. select package.function1 , package.function2 , field1 , field2 from table return 2 lines as result results of function 1 are different, while the result of function 2 is duplicated. i removed the duplication by using retire line if null. I tried to put the result of function 1 in detail and the result of function2 in another detail, but also it did not work is there any parameter i can modify to change the functionality of detail1 to: do not pass to detail2 if not end of file? thank you in advance,
  6. hello, attached you can find the cuttent output that i got from a detail. i am unsig a detail with two sources, the problem is that i need to get the results of the firt resource than get the result of the second. Source 1 have 2 different lines, source 2 have also 2 lines but i hide one by ticking the option "retire line if null". the needed output is: " vu la circulaire n°2002-106 du 30-4-2002 parue au BOEN du 9-5-2002 vu la circulaire n°2004-089 du 4-6-2004 parue au BOEN du 17-6-2004 vu l'arrêté ministériel du 10 octobre 1993 relatif aux habilitations de l'Université Lyon 1, Etablissement Public à Caractère à délivrer des diplômes nationaux de premier cycle " Any idea? thank you in advance.
  7. It's working. Thank you so much for your time,your help and your kindness.
  8. Thank you jgust, no it is not the case, p1 and p2 are coming from my query.
  9. Thank you for your answer. Basically i am new to jasper not to coding :) The query is working normally on Oracle reports. what i am doing here is trying to create the report by using jasper.
  10. Hello, I'm new to Jasper. I am trying to call a pl/sql function from the query but i am getting the following error: missing 'FROM' at '(' . My query is something like: select a, my_function(p1,p2), b , DECODE(C, '1', 'M.', '2', 'Mme') from tab1,tab2 where tab1.id = tab2.id Any idea?
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