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Everything posted by kpspooja98

  1. Could someone please provide your thoughts or possible solutions for the above issue and also please note that the issue occurs only after migration.
  2. We had recently migrated the our application to newest version During the migration we had updated Jasper Report from 1.3.0 version to 6.15.0. We are facing certain issues while generating the PDF in new version of our application. PFB the issues: During the export (in PDF format) , we found that if any one of the field contains large amount data, the size of all other fields are changed according to the size of largest field. But in older version, all other fields maintains its own size irrespective of other fields.Also if all fields contain minimum amount of data and if the PDF can be generated as single page, all data were present with correct alignment. But if data exceeds and moved to second page, some data were missing and also the alignments gets changed.Steps taken from our end: We changed the certain fields that are deprecated (eg: pdfFontName to fontName).Also we checked that the "isstretchwithoverflow" value is set to TRUE in the jrxml file.Could someone please provide your thoughts or possible solutions for the above issue?
  3. We are using itext.jar of version 2.1.7 along with jasperreports version 6.15.0. Before maigration the versions are itext 1.0 and jasperreports 1.3. Is these dependencies are feasible and after this migration we are facing some alignment issue and data missing issue as shown in the above sample image. Could someone explain us about the feasibility of such migration and cause of this issue in detail.
  4. We have migrated from jasperreports 1.3 to 6.15. Here we face an issue in generating a PDF file where the Data's are missing and the alignment is changed for every fields according to the field that contains the lengthiest value. Does this migration might be a reason for such issue or how to overcome this?
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