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vineethhegde68 last won the day on December 15 2023

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  1. Hi, i have and additional requirement to have " continued in next page" label to be displayed at the end if the detailband overflows to next page. any workaround to it?
  2. Yes it worked. but in addition to it.. i need to display the " continued in next page" in the footer if the detail band breaks. Any solutions around it.. Currently i have give it in column footer band of subreport. As it dont have any conditions to it. it displays even the data in detailband dont overflaws.
  3. Changed Assigned User from @narcism to - Hi ,Can you please explian the steps to do it.. large html file into pdf....Size issue is still unsolved!
  4. the samples that come with version 4.0.1 of JasperReports source, there is one very interesting for me, "htmlcomponent", I have been testing the sample, modifying the parameters that are passed to the report. The problem I've found to use it, is that when generating a pdf, if the html included in the htmlContentExpression is lengthy, does not fit into the htmlcomponent's height , so the pdf generated doesn't look fine. Would It be possible to have the same behavior can be obtained for the component "text field" with "Stretch with overflow" property to true?, ie, if the text is too large the component height es dinamically increased, so that the pdf may be printed in several pages.
  5. Changed Assigned User from @narcism to - Any solution for the above issue please
  6. Still stuck in the same issue. Any help around this please
  7. I am facing with the same issue. Any work around kindly do help
  8. Facing the same issue with size and large content... in the htmlcomponent jar. Any workaround please.Thanks in advance
  9. Can we use the all the functions in the latest htmlcomponent jar ---Size/page break ? Thanks in advance
  10. Is there any fix availble on the above issue.. Looking around. PLease help
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