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  1. I have a report and i need to sum a row from different different product. Example: [ { "insuranceProductName": "Life", "paymentGraph": [ { "year": 1, "premiumPerPeriod": 0.54 }, { "year": 2, "premiumPerPeriod": 9.03 }, { "year": 3, "premiumPerPeriod": 10 } ] }, { "insuranceProductName": "Job", "paymentGraph": [ { "year": 1, "premiumPerPeriod": 9.03 }, { "year": 2, "premiumPerPeriod": 9.03 }, { "year": 3, "premiumPerPeriod": 9.03 } ] } ][/code]So i need to sum insuranceProductName: Life first year premiumPerPeriod with insuranceProductName: Job first year premiumPerPeriod. insuranceProductName: Life second year premiumPerPeriod with insuranceProductName: Job second year premiumPerPeriod. and so on. But it must be counted dynamically, because I don't know how may products or paymentGraphs gonna be there. Example how it should look: So total for all is easy to count, but I'm struggling with counting separate totals, like for first year is 32,44, which I don't know how to count dynamically. This is how it looks now, i did all products with lists. The subreport hold names and a list with ????, is where I'm trying to do that sum. Thank you so much for your response.
  2. Ok, I found out how to do it. <reportElement positionType="Float" mode="Opaque" x="0" y="0" width="25" height="25"> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.type" value="Check"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.check.type" value="Square"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.field.checked" value="true"/></reportElement> I just changed it to radio buttons. http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/forms/index.html
  3. Hello, so my question is about active/responsive checkboxes. Is it possible to make it? For example user prints out the report in .pdf and with his mouse can he check the checkbox? Has anyone tried to do it or has heard of it? Thank you for your answers.
  4. It would be possible like that, but I have a lot of detail bands and my report is dynamic so I will not know what size it is, that why I put it in background band.
  5. Hello, I have a question about watermarks in Jasper. My way of doing watermark is putting an image in background band, but is it possible to make it that watermark is on top of the text. If i put it in background band, the watermark is behinde the text (there is a colored textField and watermark hides behinde it). I tried going through parameters but nothing changed. Thank you for your answer.
  6. I'm using textFields for it and I can make it so that it would not print out repeating numbers but then I can't hide those values because there are different textFields too with dates.
  7. Hello, I'm a new newbie on Jasper and I need some help. I'm working with JSON data and the question is, Is it possible to make it where the amount is matching ( the amount that matched is 10) print out only once and cut the date that it would look smt like this 10 (2022 01 01 - 2023 01 31)? This is how it looks now. This is the data. "insuranceProductName":"Personal accident insurance", "productPackage":null, "insuredPeriodBegin":"01.01.2022", "insuredPeriodEnd":"31.12.2026", "firstYearSumInsured":10000, "lastYearSumInsured":10000, "premiumFirstYear":10, "paymentGraph":[ { "year":1, "paymentPeriodBegin":"01.01.2022", "paymentPeriodEnd":"31.12.2022", "insuranceSum":30000.0, "premiumPerPeriod":10 }, { "year":2, "paymentPeriodBegin":"01.01.2023", "paymentPeriodEnd":"31.12.2023", "insuranceSum":30000.0, "premiumPerPeriod":20 }, { "year":3, "paymentPeriodBegin":"01.01.2024", "paymentPeriodEnd":"31.12.2024", "insuranceSum":30000.0, "premiumPerPeriod":20 }, { "year":4, "paymentPeriodBegin":"01.01.2025", "paymentPeriodEnd":"31.12.2025", "insuranceSum":30000.0, "premiumPerPeriod":20 }, { "year":5, "paymentPeriodBegin":"01.01.2026", "paymentPeriodEnd":"31.12.2026", "insuranceSum":30000.0, "premiumPerPeriod":20 } ], Thank you some much.
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