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Everything posted by harley.andrew.f

  1. Found the solution: Expand the page size. The default page was 10000 wide and 800 high. Setting the height to 3000 allowed the very large value to display unbroken and has no adverse effect on the rest of the rows.
  2. My client has a report to which they wish to add a field that will hold text. The data for this report comes from a view in Oracle. The new field is a combination of 5 varchar2(3600) fields, joined together as a CLOB in the view. Most of the time it's less than 5000 characters but we are required to support a maximum length of 18,000. When I load dummy data to test the outer limits, Jaspersoft breaks it apart. That is, the first 4000 or so appear in the cell of the CSV file, then the remainder of the field's content dumps unformatted onto the next line of the CSV file. The Jaspersoft field is text and the "Stretch with Overflow" box is checked. I'm using Jaspersoft Studio Professional, v.6.1.1.final. Can Jaspersoft handle this item as a single entity? Perhaps I could pass the 5 component varchar fields and join them in the Jaspersoft report instead of in the DB view? If that's an option, how would I join the five elements into a single field in Jaspersoft? Thank you.
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