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Everything posted by rahul.p_1

  1. Hi, I am completely new to Jasper Reports and need a little bit of guidance. I am trying to create a report that displays results in groups based on 2 fields. I am using Jaspersoft Studio 6.21.0 and MariaDB v10.4.32. The problem I am facing is 2 folds, first, I am unable to format the output in groups and second, I do not know how to sum the values of a column in my result set. My dataset query is: SELECT primary_group, secondary_group, id, other1, other2, other3, other4, other5, other6, workdate FROM myDB.myTbl1 WHERE myDB.myTbl1.workdate >= $P{varFromDate} AND myDB.myTbl1.workdate <= $P{varToDate} ORDER BY myDB.myTbl1.primary_group ASC, myDB.myTbl1.secondary_group ASC, myDB.myTbl1.id ASC, myDB.myTbl1.other4 ASC When displaying the result, I've created a group for 'primary_group' and another group under it for 'secondary_group'. In the details section, I have added a table that uses this dataset. However, my grouping is not working properly. I need the display to be formatted as attached. When I generate a preview, the grouping only applies to the 'primary_group' column. The results break off into a new table only when the 'primary_group' field has a new value and displays all 'secondary_group' results in the same table. I've tried setting the group expression to $F{primary_group}+$F{secondary_group} but I am still having trouble. The other part of my problem is calculating the sum of one of the columns after each set is displayed. I would be very grateful for any guidance provided. Thank you.
  2. rahul.p_1

    The Groups

    How do I add a group or a subgroup to an existing group?
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