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Everything posted by nikhil_9

  1. Hi @rpachipu. This link that you provided me is true for the creation of drill-downs using ad-hoc views. I want to apply it via jaspersoft studio built report. I can't able to get hyperlink option enabled when dragging and dropping the dashlet of the image on the dashboard to link it with other dashlet on dashboard. How to solve this?
  2. I've designed a dashboard within Jaspersoft that features four different graphs. To enhance the user experience, I want to implement interactivity into the dashboard. Specifically, I want the ability to click on a section of one graph, for instance, the "positive feedback" section of the feedback pie graph. When I do this, I expect the other graphs on the same dashboard page to dynamically adjust and display results that correspond only to positive feedback data. I've already accomplished this level of interactivity in ad-hoc views by utilizing the hyperlinking tab during formatting. However, I'm facing challenges when trying to replicate the same functionality within Jaspersoft Studio while creating the graphs.I am building in studio because I have to set some advanced filters which is only possible with the studio. I am changing the table name dynamically at run time using filter parameters. I'm unsure about how to properly set up hyperlink properties that allow me to pass parameters and subsequently filter out multiple graphs based on the click action. Specifically, I'm looking for insights into the best approach to configure these hyperlinks so that clicking on one graph element triggers parameter-based filtering across multiple graphs within the same dashboard page. Any assistance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I have created a dashboard with one ad-hoc view having from-date and to-date filter set with a default value of 6 months time period. When I am setting it to another date, the image is getting filtered out correctly. But when I am pressing the reset option from the filter group panel or either through the dashboard directly, although it is resetting the image to the default 6 months time period but in the filter dialog panel the value is not getting reset to the default values. how to solve this issue?
  4. I want to assign specific color to each category in pie, For eg- Fraud (Red),Not Fraud(Green), No response(yellow). If I change color through chart formatting->Color palette it gives color in series. It doesn't apply color to a specific category. If suppose 1 category is missing from pie chart then it will allot 1st color of series to anther category which creates a problem. Can anybody please help me solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
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