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Everything posted by l.falcioni

  1. Hello Jiman, a quick update, I tried performing a custom installation and avoided the sample data, that was causing the issue, and now I get a different error: Error running /home/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1/buildomatic/js-ant import-minimal-ce: [exec] Result: 128 [copy] Warning: Could not find file /home/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1/buildomatic/conf_source/templates/keys tore-configuration.xml to copy. I tried looking at this post: but unfortunately it talks about operations to perform after the product's installation, while to me the error is presented during the installation. Think you could help? Best regards, Leonardo
  2. Hello Jiman, yes, I already checked the post you shared, but unfortunately I can't find where the process is breaking. The error log points at folder /home/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1/ for missing permissions, but I can't understand why, since that whole folder has jasper:jasper and the user can access it freely. Do you know what the issue may be? I tried installing the product on a series of other VMs, even other OS like Ubuntu, but I get the same exact error when not using a non-root user. Best regards, Leonardo
  3. Hello, I'm having some issues installing the JasperReports v8 product with non-root user jasper on RedHat OS. I have RedHat 9.3, and when installing the Jasper, I get the following error: Installing 0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100% ########################################Warning: Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly Error running /home/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1/buildomatic/js-ant import-minimal-ce: [exec] Result: 128 [copy] Warning: Could not find file /home/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1/buildomatic/conf_source/templates/keys tore-configuration.xml to copy. BUILD FAILED /home/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1/buildomatic/bin/import-export.xml:276: The following error occurred while executing this line: /home/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1/buildomatic/bin/import-export.xml:168: Java returned: 255 Looking on the installation logs, I see the following: Script stderr: /bin/sh: line 1: /home/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1/postgresql/bin/psql: No such file or directory Error running /home/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1/postgresql/bin/psql -U postgres -d jasperserver -c "\q": /bin/sh: line 1: /home/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1/postgresql/bin/psql: No such file or directory And also: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'aclCache' defined in file [/home/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1/buildomatic/conf_source/ieCe/applicationContext.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'cacheManager' while setting bean property 'cacheManager'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'cacheManager' defined in file [/home/jasper/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1/buildomatic/conf_source/ieCe/applicationContext.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is net.sf.ehcache.CacheException: java.io.IOException: Permission denied I don't understand why. The whole /home/jasper folder has permissions for the jasper user, so why wouldn't I have permissions? Also, when using the root user, I don't get any issues, so it is probably permission related. Can anyone help? Thanks
  4. Hello, I'm opening this topic because I'm having some issues with installation of Jasperserver 8.2 I'm installing it on RedHat 6.10, that by documentation "JasperReports® Server Release Notes 8.2.0" is supported: But I get the error /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-820/postgresql/bin/initdb.bin: /lib64/libc.so.6: version 'GLIBC_2.14' not found But based by RedHat documentation, GLIBC_2.14 is not supported on RedHat 6.10 So, is there a typo in the documentation? Or is there a workaround for this problem? Thanks!
  5. Hello, we didn't find a solution and even upgrading Jasper didn't help. We did find a workaround, that is creating two scripts (one for startup and one for stop) that run the following commands: STARTUP_SCRIPT.sh #!/bin/sh<JASPER_HOME>/postgresql/scripts/ctl.sh start<JASPER_HOME>/ctlscript.sh start[/code]What the script does is first start postgresql, then run the classic startup script STOP_SCRIPT.sh #!/bin/sh<JASPER_HOME>/postgresql/scripts/ctl.sh stop<JASPER_HOME>/ctlscript.sh stop[/code]This script does the opposit of the startup. At the moment it seems to be working fine, even if it's not the cleanest solution. I hope future releases will get us a fix. Best regards.
  6. Hello, I'm having some issues after installing JasperServer Community Edition 8.0. When I try to run ctlscript.sh start, I get the following error message: su: cannot open session: Module is unknown <INSTALL_PATH>/postgresql/scripts/ctl.sh : postgresql could not be started and the PostgreSQL database does not start. I tried debugging the startup code, and it seems that the issue is in file <INSTALL_PATH>/postgresql/scripts/ctl.sh, at line 63: su postgres -c "$POSTGRESQL_START" Just to let you have the complete context, I already have a Jasper Server at version 7.8 running on this server, so I'm not sure if it's a session issue. Could you please help me figure out what's the problem? Thanks a lot
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