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  1. Finally i found a solution. Ιnstalled the Jasper Report Server and through it connected to my remote database. I do not know if is it the best solution, but now, I see my tables db and run SQL.
  2. The problem is that I can not specify the name of the user I want. I make all the statements correctly. “JDBC Driver --> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, JDBC url --> jdbc:mysql://nofrg.eu/gsf650s_nofrG, and username and password’. Username I wrote ‘dsf640s_aaa’ . Which finds the user 'gsf650s_vlks@'? Note that address is my router. The problem with the character @ is not solved. It does not allow me to include the character @ in the username and the length of the name should not exceed 16 characters.
  3. the previous action was done from phpmyadmin. Now the statement is CREATE USER 'gsf650s_vlks'@'' IDENTIFIED BY '1234' and the message is '#1227 - Access denied; you need (at least one of) the CREATE USER privilege(s) for this operation'
  4. I can not. When I type the character @ to create the user, the message "The name of a database user in this system can only contain the following characters: A-Z a-z 0-9 _ - " is displayed.
  5. I installed the Jaspersoft Studio community edition and then created the Data Adapter, JDBC Driver --> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, JDBC url --> jdbc:mysql://nofrg.eu/gsf650s_nofrG, and username and password. The Data Adapter does not work and the message is “Access denied for user gsf650s_vlks@ Τhis address ( belongs to my router and of course there is no such user in the database gsf650s_nofrG. I would appreciate your help
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