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Everything posted by chuonchuonot102

  1. Hello everyone, While updating and saving any modification in iReport 5.6.0, it automatically re-formats the xml. For example: Before saving: <parameter name="REPORT_INFO" isForPrompting="false" class="java.util.Map"> <defaultValueExpression ><![CDATA[new HashMap()]]></defaultValueExpression> After saving: <parameter name="REPORT_INFO" class="java.util.Map" isForPrompting="false"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[new HashMap()]]></defaultValueExpression> Could you please help me find how to disable auto formating in the tool? Thank you so much! Phuc
  2. Hello everyone, Currently, I have definition of a field in a jasper report named "cashAmount" as below: <field name="cashAmount" class="java.math.BigDecimal"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[data /amount]]></fieldDescription> </field>Is it possible to adjust the condition something like code in a list of CODE01,CODE02,CODE03 and CODE04? I've tried following setting but it doesn't work. <field name="cashAmount" class="java.math.BigDecimal"> <fieldDescription><![CDATA[data[code=('CODE01','CODE02','CODE03','CODE04')]/amount]]></fieldDescription> </field> Thank you in advance! Phuc
  3. Hi everyone, Could you please help me following issue? I have a date which has format dd/MM/yyyy. I'd like to get 2 last digit of the year. For example: input: 04/08/2021 => output: 21 I've tried 2 options as below but it still show error as attached screenshot. Not that: net.myDomain.tools.Ft.formatDate($F{signDate},"dd/MM/yyyy") is correct method that using in my project. net.myDomain.tools.Ft.formatDate($F{signDate},"dd/MM/yyyy")).toString().subStr(8,9) net.myDomain.tools.Ft.formatDate($F{signDate},"dd/MM/yyyy")).toString().subString(8,9) Do you have any idea? Thanks! Phuc
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