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Everything posted by samartha

  1. Thanks for sharing the document! Jasper CE provides the SQL scripts to configure PostgreSQL and MySQL as repository db. But Jasper CE doesn't provide scripts and properties file to configure Microsoft SQL server as repository db. Jasper commercial edition supports Microsoft SQL server as repository.
  2. Thanks for sharing the document! Jasper Server CE doesn't support MSSQL server as repository database. Jasper Server CE WAR installation file doesn't include Microsoft SQL server scripts and properties file required to set the repository database.
  3. The requirement is to install Jasper server CE 7.8 with MSSQL repository database. Jasper server 7.8 platform support documentation says it supports MSSQL server as repository database.I tried Jasper server installation using WAR file method. But in the <jasperreports-server-cp-7.8.0-binbuildomaticinstall_resourcessql > directory, i don't find any ddl and other scirpts related to MSSQL.Is it possible to install Jasper Server CE 7.8 with MSSQL repository? How do we install the same?Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
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