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Posts posted by wilson3838

  1. I've tried everything to get this to work. It makes sense that you'd want individual slices of the pie chart to link to different datasets; I'm trying to do the same thing. As far as I can tell, Tibco doesn't understand this obvious use case. Furthermore, their "subreport" isn't really a sub-report. It's just other data on any given report (clutter). SMH Tibco!

  2. I'm using Jaspersoft Studio without Jasper Server - I want to pass a value to a sub-report via a hyperlink. I.E. Click here to see details. How do you pass a value to a subreport without using a local path (or url to a resource on a server) for an expression. In other words, for the parameter expression with name = _report, can I just point to a sub-report? The sub-report is in the same project and prompts for input. Data type is a string (postgresql). This seems so elementary. If using a hyperlink is not the right way to pass a value, how do I do it?

  3. Hey Matt -it seems like hozawa told you to do what you already did (pass a value from one report to another). How did you solve this issue? I'm trying to pass a value, via hyperlink, from a main report to a sub-report. I.E. click here to see details ...

  4. Using Jaspersoft Studio without Jasper server - I want to pass a value to a sub-report via a hyperlink. I.E. Click here to see details. How do you pass a value to a subreport without using a local path for an expression. In other words, for the parameter expression with name = _report, can I just point to a sub-report? The sub-report is in the same project and prompts for input. Data type is a string (postgresql). This seems so elementary. 

  5. Does anyone else have a problem with the design space failing to re-draw changed compenents? Specifically, when I resize an item in the detail band (along with associated item in the header band), the expression is not only moved, it is re-drawn. Effectively, the expression is displayed in the original position and in the new position (see below). Anyone know how to prevent this?


  6. I'm trying to display a column of money, which is currently a numeric data type (Postgres). The following syntax examples work pefectly in DBeaver, but produce errors in Jasper Studio. Does anyone have suggestions to display money ($79,967,345.23 for example)? I've tried dropping the postgresql-42.2.20.jre7.jar file (includes PG Money class) in to various folders containing other Jasper-related jar files, but continue to receive the error.

    sum(d.revenue)::money --> Error: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Unable to get value for result set field "sum" of class org.postgresql.util.PGmoney

    cast(sum(d.revenue) as MONEY) --> Error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.util.PGmoney cannot be found by net.sf.jasperreports_6.16.0.final --- net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRDesignField@694ba313

    If I use just "sum(d.revenue)", the correct information is displayed, but looks like a meaningless (hard-to-read) number. 

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