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  1. Is there an update to this answer - using Studio v6.16. How do you make a hyperlink open a new page / new report? Can you do it for individual slices of a pie chart?
  2. I've tried everything to get this to work. It makes sense that you'd want individual slices of the pie chart to link to different datasets; I'm trying to do the same thing. As far as I can tell, Tibco doesn't understand this obvious use case. Furthermore, their "subreport" isn't really a sub-report. It's just other data on any given report (clutter). SMH Tibco!
  3. I'm trying something very similar, if not exactly what you're trying tabalajir. I've tried everything under the sun. A very elementary function apparently cannot be done in Jasper Reports.
  4. Apparently it cannot be done - need a more-functional reporting software.
  5. I'm using Jaspersoft Studio without Jasper Server - I want to pass a value to a sub-report via a hyperlink. I.E. Click here to see details. How do you pass a value to a subreport without using a local path (or url to a resource on a server) for an expression. In other words, for the parameter expression with name = _report, can I just point to a sub-report? The sub-report is in the same project and prompts for input. Data type is a string (postgresql). This seems so elementary. If using a hyperlink is not the right way to pass a value, how do I do it?
  6. Hey Matt -it seems like hozawa told you to do what you already did (pass a value from one report to another). How did you solve this issue? I'm trying to pass a value, via hyperlink, from a main report to a sub-report. I.E. click here to see details ...
  7. Using Jaspersoft Studio without Jasper server - I want to pass a value to a sub-report via a hyperlink. I.E. Click here to see details. How do you pass a value to a subreport without using a local path for an expression. In other words, for the parameter expression with name = _report, can I just point to a sub-report? The sub-report is in the same project and prompts for input. Data type is a string (postgresql). This seems so elementary.
  8. Does anyone else have a problem with the design space failing to re-draw changed compenents? Specifically, when I resize an item in the detail band (along with associated item in the header band), the expression is not only moved, it is re-drawn. Effectively, the expression is displayed in the original position and in the new position (see below). Anyone know how to prevent this?
  9. Thanks jgust. QQ - What is that special character that appears twice in the example you provided?
  10. I'm trying to display a column of money, which is currently a numeric data type (Postgres). The following syntax examples work pefectly in DBeaver, but produce errors in Jasper Studio. Does anyone have suggestions to display money ($79,967,345.23 for example)? I've tried dropping the postgresql-42.2.20.jre7.jar file (includes PG Money class) in to various folders containing other Jasper-related jar files, but continue to receive the error. sum(d.revenue)::money --> Error: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Unable to get value for result set field "sum" of class org.postgresql.util.PGmoney cast(sum(d.revenue) as MONEY) --> Error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.util.PGmoney cannot be found by net.sf.jasperreports_6.16.0.final --- net.sf.jasperreports.engine.design.JRDesignField@694ba313 If I use just "sum(d.revenue)", the correct information is displayed, but looks like a meaningless (hard-to-read) number.
  11. I'm getting the same error when attempting use a .csv file as a data source - "net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Unable to get value for CSV "weight" of class java.lang.Integer". The weight column contains nothing more than integers. The .csv file was exported from DBeaver. Does anyone have ideas on what causes the error?
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