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Everything posted by mariats

  1. Try this: <hc:chartProperty name="plotOptions.pie.dataLabels.formatter" value="function () { return this.percentage +'%'; }"/>
  2. Hi guys, I need to export report data, but cannot use Dashboard or report built in functionality. I am using API call to export the report, a button with Reference hyperlink with something like this: http://myJasperServer1.com/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/reports/System_Report.xlsx?ignorePagination=true The hyperlink works fine, and I get the output when pressing the button. The problem is that I need to deploy this report on multiple servers, so the URL must dynamically change to the correct one. I tried to use a parameter to see if I can get the URL like this: $P{JASPER_REPORT}.getProperty("ireport.jasperserver.url") -It worked and I get 'http://myJasperServer1.com/jasperserver-pro/' as parameter value on the original server. However when I import the report into another server, I still see the original value of the parameter: 'http://myJasperServer1.com/jasperserver-pro/', even though the URL of the current server is different. Perhaps I am doing this wrong? Or is there a better way to do this? I would appreciate any help or advice.
  3. Hello, I have a report with HTML5 chart that should have a hyperlink to open another report (Blank, Report Execution). When I open this report and click the hyperlink, another report opens just fine. Then I created a Dashboard and the hyperlink stopped working, now it opens with the message: Error Message The resource with URI /my_folder/reports/ZZZ_TEST cannot be found.The path in the error message is correct, it works fine if the report is used without the dashboard. To troubleshoot I also created a textbox, added a hyperlink and used the same path for it. That works fine both for report and for dashboard. Is there something that I am missing? Please help!
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