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  1. I'm new to Jasper and attempting to convert a report that's using a frame layout to using tables. This is needed because the cells merge together in excel and it doesn't look good. I'm hoping if I redesign using the table it will be nice and neat. I'm getting "Report design not valid : 1. Unknown reset group 'Categ Grp' for variable : Alpha" Here is that reset group: <variable name="Alpha" class="java.lang.Integer" resetType="Group" resetGroup="Categ Grp" calculation="Sum"> <variableExpression><![CDATA[$F{ProductCnt}]]></variableExpression> <initialValueExpression><![CDATA[0]]></initialValueExpression> </variable> This is telling me that I need to get the tables inside of the group element. How do I achieve this? I came across a similar issue online but that that report is only using strings not variables with reset group as I'm using. Any help would be greatly appreciated. XML attached
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