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Posts posted by erika.chinchio

  1. I have the same problem (https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1194941/jasper-api-nested-subreports) I think jasper server embeds the subreports, amd jasperstudio dowsen't included nested subreport (from th 2 level). 

    I have encountered this problem there since version 8, but i don't know how to do a workaraund, or where is my errors.. In the log I see java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: contextPath needs to be an absolute paththanks

  2. hi 

    when I call a report with nested subreport I have an exception

     SecureExceptionHandlerImpl,pool-...There was an error on the server. ........ java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: contextPath needs to be an absolute path

    this error in only in the new version of jasper server community (8.0), the old version works fine.

    can anyone help me?


  3. I try to install new version of jasper server community 8.0 , but when I call the reports via api there is exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: contextPath needs to be an absolute path

    I call my subreports from main report with absoulute path (c:....) express in param PathSubReports  (ex


    with the new version of jasper I am forced to use the overwrite for the subreports otherwise an error is generated.However, if a subreport calls another subreport also publishing with overwrite, the exception is generated. this error was not present in the previous version and the error is present only with the call via api not with unit test in jaspe server

    can someone help me  please?


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