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Everything posted by paulogil2010

  1. Hi everyone, The case is... we deal if stock exchange data to calculate some itens. users set their outgoins and we calculate it over dollar prices and so on... at the backend and frontend we have all logic and data to show users, then we create a report to show exact the same thing... the problem is that we created all the logic to get data and calculate it in procedures in our postgreSQL and it takes about 5-10 seconds to be generated... also, now we have to create a new report with same complexity, but it has all the data already processed in back/frontend... So, i was wondering, is it possible to send all data that were already processed in to jasperserver? I could only send some parameters, but there are more than 50 variables and values... couldn't figure it out how to send a POST to jasper community... what is the best way to do it, over procedures or send it to through a POST message? any help will be appreciated, Thanks
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