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  1. hello everyone, I have a question. I have created a report by creating a domain and an ad hoc view in which I have included filters. The report then shows the data exposed by the view and I also added a template creating by jaspersoft studio to have a certain header. I would like the fields in the header creating by jaspersoft studio to be filled with the values chosen in the report filter. Do you know if this is possible and how to do it?
  2. Hello everyone, do you know if it is possible to create a template that is not static but is populated by values set by an ad hoc view? In my case I created the template with Jaspersoft Studio and then imported it to JasperReport Server but I can't populate the template sections with the values exposed by the ad hoc view. Does anyone know if this is possible and can help me? Thank you very much
  3. In the "ad hoc view" or "domain" , it is possible to extract the logged-in user information in such a way as to:add it to the graph as information, filter the information by logged-in users, etc. Thanks
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