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  1. YES! I didn't notice the dependencies/interactivity between the series selection and the other fields in the config dialog. Also I used to set the field itself for the series not just a string. You saved my day. Thank you. :)
  2. Hi, I've got stuck with creating a simple bar chart because I just don't know exactly how to set up the chart properties. Here is an example of my data source: Year Series1 Series2 2016 23 645 2017 245 6 2018 34 0 2019 45 54 What I want to get is a x-axis with these four year numbers and two different colored bars (Series1, Series2) for every year. (vertical layout) Could somebody tell me how should I set the Value, Category and Series fields in the Chart Wizard? There are lots of sample vids and code in the web, but all I've found was too simple (e. g. pie charts) or even wrong. Maybe there are better resources? Many thanks in advance, Andre
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