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Everything posted by support_4

  1. Hello Jaspersoft Community, Is there a way to align an element relative to the right border instead of left? Mind, I'm not talking about text alignment, but about positioning elements. The use case is as follows: A sub report for a document header where the sender address is in the top right corner, the recipient address in the bottom left corner. It should always be like this, no matter how wide the parent element is, so it can be used both in landscape and portrait orientations, as well as for different paper formats Is this possible?
  2. Apparently the problem here is that JasperReports can't work with table aliases. The following form works: SELECT db.`TContract`.`TennantID`, db.`TContract`.`ContractID`, db.`TContract`.`ContractDescription`, db.`TCampaign`.`CampaignID`, db.`TCampaign`.`CampaignDescription`, db.`TCampaign`.`StartDate` AS CampaignStartDate, db.`TCampaign`.`EndDate` AS CampaignEndDate, db.`TCampaign`.`CampaignStatus`, db.`TCoupon`.`CouponID`, db.`TCoupon`.`CouponDescription`, db.`TCoupon`.`ValidityDays`, db.`TCoupon`.`StartDate` AS CouponStartDate, db.`TCoupon`.`EndDate` AS CouponEndDate, sum( db.`TCoupon`.`CouponValue` ), count( db.`TCardCoupon`.`CardCouponID` )FROM db.`TCardCoupon` LEFT OUTER JOIN db.`TCoupon` ON db.`TCoupon`.`CouponID` = db.`TCardCoupon`.`CouponID` LEFT OUTER JOIN db.`TCampaign` ON db.`TCoupon`.`CampaignID` = db.`TCampaign`.`CampaignID` LEFT OUTER JOIN db.`TContract` ON db.`TContract`.`ContractID` = db.`TCampaign`.`ContractID`WHERE db.`TCardCoupon`.`DateRetrieved` IS NULL GROUP BY db.`TCardCoupon`.`CouponID`[/code]
  3. The below SQL is what I want to do. The outline doesn't parse it correctly and while I don't get an error, I don't get any results either. How do I go about making the software grasp what I want to do? select co.couponDescription, cn.ContractDescription, count(1) as "num loaded", sum(co.CouponValue) as "loaded value"from TCardCoupon cc left join TCoupon co on co.Couponid = cc.couponid left join TCampaign ca on ca.CampaignID = co.CampaignID left join TContract cn on ca.ContractID =cn.ContractIDwhere DateRetrieved is null and DateLoaded >= '20201231' and DateLoaded <= '20200101'group by cc.CouponId[/code]
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