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Everything posted by noe.montes.developer

  1. Hello. I have a problem when I try to print a Jasper PDF. If I use the JRPdfExporter function, I have a problem trying to display the print box using the following code JRPdfExporter exporter = new JRPdfExporter();exporter.setParameter(JRPdfExporterParameter.PDF_JAVASCRIPT, "this.print({bUI: true,bSilent: false,bShrinkToFit: true});"); exporter.exportReport(); [/code] The problem I have in this example is that the print dialog is not shown in internet explorer. I have already verified that the problem is caused when protected mode is enabled in both internet explorer and adobe acrobat. The problem is that I cannot ask all the users of the application to disable that option. After encountering this error I tried to program my function in another way, using the following code JasperPrint print = null;print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(url.getPath(), datosListado, srDs);JasperPrintManager.printReport(print, true);[/code]The problem I have when doing it this way is that the width of the report in the jrxml file is greater than the print size and the text is cut off. I cannot change the template because it is common to multiple processes. Could it be adapted depending on the size of the printer sheet? Thanks
  2. Hi! When printing a report it is cut horizontally. The template apparently is larger than A4. The problem is that I cannot modify the template. Is it possible to modify some property to adapt the size of the report to the press sheet using java code Thanks
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