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Everything posted by cyyung1023

  1. I am having 3 datasets (a main report - JDBC connection and 3 other datasets - same connection with the main report), in which they have a common field, called file_reference_number. I want to use the field "file_reference_number" as a parameter, so that other datasets will show data only when matched cases. How do I achieve that? e.g. Dataset 1 has 3 fields: name, address, file_reference_number Dataset 2 has 2 fields: contact_info, file_reference_number Dataset 3 has 3 fields: descriptions, title, file_reference_number I am not sure how to "lined up" the file_reference_number at the same time. Should I use a parameter map, maybe a non-prompting parameter or some sort of filter expressions? Thanks everyone in advance
  2. I am using Google Translate. I am sorry if I don't fully understand your question. Does the text box remain unchanged when the text detail overflows? Try to select change the "Stretch Type" in "Appearance" tab, e.g. "ElementGroupHeight" or "ContainerHeight", see if there is any changes. I usually select the whole row of text field boxes in detail section and change the "Stretch Type" to ElementGroupHeight.
  3. Thanks, Yann22300. The parameter $P{KEY} was indeed not a numerical value.
  4. The following line will throw ORA-01858 error in my sql query statement, but I am not sure what is the problem. LAST_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(to_date('01/' || $P{Report_Month} || '/' || $P{Report_Year}, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),'-1')) Also, will the following line also give the same error? table1.create_date >= TRUNC(ADD_MONTHS(to_date('01/' || $P{Report_Month} || '/' || $P{Report_Year}, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),'-1'), 'MM') and table1.create_date <= LAST_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(to_date('01/' || $P{Report_Month} || '/' || $P{Report_Year}, 'dd/mm/yyyy'),'-1'))
  5. I am introducing two input parameters "TYPE_CODE" and "KEY" to my SQL query. But when I add the following where clause, it pops out the ORA-01722: invalid number error. where(($P{TYPE_CODE} = 'C' and table1.key in (SELECT key2 from table2 where key2 = $P{KEY}))OR($P{TYPE_CODE} = 'P' and table1.key in (SELECT key3 from table3 where key3 = $P{KEY}))[/code]The SQL works fine without the input parameters in the where clause. Thank you everyone in advance.
  6. Changing the table position type to Float does not work. I have tried to used subreport but the tables in subreport still doesn't show up. I am using a csv file for my datasource and I am not sure how to configure the datasource in my subreports. Should I keep using the expression (net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRCsvDataSource)$P{REPROT_DATA_SOURCE}) in my subreports?
  7. I have created 3 tables, each in a separated detail band. Only the first table is showing up. When I delete the first table, the second table shows up. The 3 tables are connected to 3 different datasets. The 3 datasets are connected to the same Data Adapter but with different filter expressions, e.g. $F{GROUP} .equal(1), $F{GROUP} .equal(2) and $F{GROUP} .equal(3). What should I do if I want to show all three tables?
  8. whenever I try to generate a report that has Numbers/ Doubles/ Integers, an error will pop-up, Reason: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Unable to get value for CSV field "XX' of class java.lang.Integer/Double/..... Would someone please help? I have struggled at this problem for so long
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