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Everything posted by Ram2399

  1. while using countAll for a particular filed as a Summary calculation type does it count the null values or not? Example:if i use countAll () for the id which is having all null values it is showing result 0.if we use same on some not null values it is showinf result some number is this expected functionlaity of jasper?i am thinking countAll() will consider both null and not null values ? Thanks in Advance..
  2. I am using jasper report server 7.5 version.if i am tring to access the japser in IE browser it not working properly.Is this any limitation of jasper server? thanks in advance
  3. If we select any measure column containing the decimals then use Totals Data option now the sum is rounding its not showing decimal values.if we use details and total option sum is appearing with decimal values.
  4. If we use hide duplicate option for a grid/table its converting the values into small case and if there are any decimal values its rounding those values.
  5. while we are working with date fields its showing wrong timezone in the UI/View even after selecting the use dataSource TimeZone before creating the datasource. Ex:db time:21/12/12 00:00:00 ..UI:Dec 12,5:30AM
  6. while working on AdhocView filters all the filter values are coming in lowercse but same values are displayed as the title case in AdhocView Ex:in table Name is:Jasper while in filter drop down it is :jasper
  7. If i try to login with existing user its throwing some error. 2020-08-02T16:08:24,702 ERROR ExternalUserSetupProcessor,http-nio-8081-exec-7:169 - Error processing external user jasperadmin: Internally defined user jasperadmin already exists. Please contact an admin user to resolve the issue. 2020-08-02T16:08:24,703 ERROR ExternalDataSynchronizerImpl,http-nio-8081-exec-7:99 - Error during synchronization com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: Internally defined user jasperadmin already exists. Please contact an admin user to resolve the issue. suggest something..thanks in advance.
  8. Please help me or suggest some useful resources .thanks in advance.Currently i am using jasper server 7.5
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