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Everything posted by bodmaspl

  1. Thank you CSA ! Yes Ive been using Higcharts reference for a while but no luck with this requriement. Ive tried a version of this from Higcharts but no luck either. caption: { text: '<b>The caption renders at the bottom of the chart, and is included if the chart is exported.'} Formatted as chart.caption.text 'etc etc' Might need to get into studio. R
  2. Hi Any tricks for adding floating or static text to an Advanced (Report server) Chart. Clarity Advanced Reporting. I have a PIE and would like to add a Current Month Label as Subtitle or as Text in whitespace at the bottom of the chart. thanks Ross
  3. Thanks Vchiem Im only using Jasper Server with limited config. This solution wont work for me and I only want One of the bars(variable/series) to have a different label. Cheers
  4. Hi All A great resource ! Further to a solution on multi axis chart labels posted previously: different-series-multi-axis-chart#comment-869471 How can I add a specific label to a series Column chart (single axis). EG 3 series bar chart in Advanced Reporting formatting(not studio) , with one bar label as % and other two with $. ? Maybe with data option and 'plotOptions.series.dataLabels.format' ? Ive reviewd this to get some ideas but cannot get the right value options. https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-multiple thks Ross
  5. Hi Further to this solution, how can I add a specific label to a series bar. EG 3 series bar chart in Advanced Reporting formatting(not studio) , with one bar label as % and other two with $. ? maybe with data option and 'plotOptions.series.dataLabels.format' ? Ive reviewd this to get some ideas but cannot get the right value options. https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/plotoptions/series-datalabels-multiple thks
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