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  1. When working on Jasperserver community edition, the report and parameters work fine. The default value for the parameters as seen in the image below is [null]. I would like to make the space blank so it is visually pleasing. Is there any way I can do this so that the field is left blank initially?
  2. bhomas is correct. I have been trying to figure out an answer for this for a whole day and finally stumbled upon this. When naming parameters in iReports or studio, MAKE SURE TO ONLY USE NUMBERS, LETTERS AND "_" no spaces or any other unique characters as they will be replaced in the server with an underscore. In Jasper Server, make sure that when you are editing an input control, the "Parameter Name (read-only):" matches exactly what you typed in the iReport or studio version. Otherwise it will see it as a new variable and wont function.
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