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alfpunk's Achievements

  1. Hi Simon, Do you add in module-info.java line like: requires jasperreports; Best regards, Valerii Kurnykov
  2. Hi, It works correctly and this is not what you need. The answer to your question is by the next link: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-merge-table-rows-repeated-values Удачи
  3. Hi, I investigate a little you jrxml. You want to see your "Page Header" only on the first report page, so for this, you use the boolean expression. Instead of this overhead, you could use "Title" - it's displayed only on the first page.The main information in report display in the "Detail". So, my suggestion is to remove "Group Header" and "Group Footer". Create in "Detail" element list. This list element will contain:frame (if you need some 50px between header and crosstab, as you did via "Detail" just create this frame height 69px)with staticText Transportnoe predprijatie:and textField $F{parkTitle}listCrosstab​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I can't locally reproduce your error, possibly something is wrong in crosstab element. Удачи
  4. Do you mean for example: get data via java from DB on backend and then use pojo classes like data sources?
  5. Hi, there are a lot of ways on this site navigate to Docs tab. There you will find a lot of documentation guides.on this site navigate to Wiki tab. There you will find "Getting Started" and "Videos: Popular Topics"go to the youtube and search by Jaspersoft: you will find a lot of different videos.and just google it, you will find a lot of articles for this. Best regards, Valerii
  6. Could you please attach your jrxml?
  7. Could you please attach schema what do you want to get?
  8. When I change <jr:table> to <jr:list> all work correctly and it helps in my situation. Still have no idea why it's not working with tables.
  9. Just search on YouTube, there are a lot https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Jaspersoft+Studio
  10. Looks like this is an answer to your question https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31028896/how-to-print-jasper-reports-in-a-specified-printer
  11. I store my jrxml in the folder resources -> jasperreports -> templates -> someNameReportJasperTemplate.jrxml. Use next path: /jasperreports/templates/someNameReportJasperTemplate.jrxml
  12. Better use an external tool like Jsapersoft Studio. https://www.jaspersoft.com/products/jaspersoft-studio
  13. Possibly it could help you: split your one huge report for one master that contains sub-reports.
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