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Everything posted by tblake

  1. Hi all, could you spare a moment to help a newbie set up a data adapter? I'm attempting to set up a data adapter to connect to a database on my computer created with Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express, but whenever I click "Test" Jaspersoft Studio begins processing and never stops. I do not recieve any kind of error message, as the process never ends. Does anyone know what would cause this kind of behavior? To set this up, I've taken the following steps found online: Download the latest Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL ServerDownload and install the latest version of OpenJDKSet the Driver Classpath to point to the driver's .jar fileThe fields in the Data Adapter Wizard are filled as follows: JDBC Driver: MS SQLServer (2005-2012) (com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver) JDBC Url: jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=MY_DATABASE Username: [my username] Password: [my password] I'm still too new to this to know what other information might be helpful, so please let me know if there's anything else I can provide. Thanks!
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