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Everything posted by ngjinyi0620

  1. Already solve with using static text
  2. Hi, Currently,i making a multiple page report in jasper. I put a background image in background band. But there is a weird problem with the background image which when I review the report in java it show the background image at all pages. But When I export the report to pdf, the background image only show in first page. I already check all the setting, i have not idea how to solve it. Thanks in advance
  3. Thanks, for your suggestion. I had achieved merge cell with link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34171805/how-to-merge-cells-in-same-column-apply-rowspan Thnaks
  4. Hi All, I have currently got three separate reports that i want to be able to print at the same time. To merge them into one report. Each report has its own SQL query and own parameter. May I know any easy way to merge them? I had tried to use jasper book and subreport. but cant generates with the expected output. May i know what query should i put in main jasper book and subreport. I having trouble with main report query cause all report are using completely different query. For jasper book, when i generate it generate more record then when i test the report individually. Any solution for this? Thanks
  5. Sorry, the compilation error is cause by i forget change the field. But it still show error in execute SQL query. May i know what is the error of my query?
  6. Hi,jgust. Thanks for your reply. After try your method, it can read field in dataset and query dialog without error.. but when i try to review, it show there are compilation errors please fix the design. Here is my complete query for my case SELECT * FROM monthly_report WHERE report_type = $P{REPORT_TYPE} AND ($P{CASE_TYPE} is null OR CASE_TYPE= $P{CASE_TYPE} ) AND ($P{USE_CASE} is null OR USE_CASE = $P{USE_CASE}) AND ($P{REPORT_CODE} is null OR REPORT_CODE = $P{REPORT_CODE}) AND DATE BETWEEN $P{From_Date} AND $P{To_Date} AND ($P{Country} is null OR CTRY = $P{Country}) AND ($P{Refer_Code} is null OR lower(HH) like lower('%' || $P{Refer_Code} || '%')) AND ($P{Reference_No} is null OR lower(PH_REF_NO) like lower('%' || $P{Reference_No} || '%')) AND ($P{ROI_No} is null OR lower(ROI) like lower('%' || $P{ROI_No} || '%')) AND ($P{Company_Name}is null OR lower(COMPANY) like lower('%' || $P{Company_Name} || '%')) AND ($P{Name} is null OR lower(NAME) like lower('%' || $P{Name} || '%')) AND ($P{Encode_No} is null OR lower(ENCODE_NO) like lower('%' || $P{Encode_No} || '%')) AND (STATUS= $P{STATUS} OR STATUS not in ('AAA', 'AAB'))
  7. SELECT * FROM monthly_report WHERE type = $P{TYPE} AND (CASE WHEN ($P{REPORT_TYPE} IS NULL) THEN (1=1) ELSE (report_type= $P{REPORT_TYPE}) END) I get error on missing right parenthesis. No matter, how i edit i still get error. May i know is syxtax error or logic error? The sql query run well in postgres database and show error in oracle sql.. thanks in advance.
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