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razorvla's Achievements

  1. You don't specify how your report is build. Do you have overlapping subreport or text fields that could leads to this ? I don't see if the letters are scrambled or if these are new letters on top of the regular ones
  2. Hi, If the product category is part of your input data, you can easily create a group. You specify on what attribut data should be gathered. Make sure you sort the data by this attribute in you data request so there won't be multiple parts of the same group.
  3. Bonjour, La case "afficher si expression" me semble une bonne idée. Cela permet de cacher la bande en fonction d'un paramètre. Je ne sais pas si le code groupe vient de la requête du sous-rapport ou du principal. Si c'est depuis le sous rapport cela devrait fonctionner tout seul. Si c'est depuis le rapport principal, il faut passer le paramètre lors de l'appel du sous rapport. Cela se fait via "Edit parameters" dans les paramètres du sous rapport, depuis le rapport principal. Il faut y indiquer le nom du paramètre du sous rapport, qui va recevoir la donnée du champ/paramètre du rapport principal.
  4. You should try the Position type of your subreport. I think "Relative to bottom" should do something interresting.
  5. Personnaly i use JasperServer with a Powershell script that calls the API. This way i rename the file during the download with : $client.DownloadFile("Source URL", "Destination_pathfilename.pdf")[/code]The powershell file is generated by a python user interface so i can parameter the filename and the url to get the right report. You does not specifies how you generates your report but hope this may help.
  6. This happened to be a limitation of Jasper. To make it work, I convert all my images using imagemagick before calling jasperserver API.
  7. the subreport was a nice way to solve this problem. It is called at each line of the report, showing data in line (setup in the subreport page format)
  8. Does the field becomes too small again after you enlarged it ?
  9. I did something similar using groups to make lines, and a subreport to show to columns names. This way, you can have as much as lines as you want. But i'm not sure i understood well your problem.
  10. Hi, I try to show images in a report. They are called by the id of the group, and stored in a repository, but only 24 bit images are shown. The 32 bit ones won't load. Why ? How can i proceed ? Raphael
  11. Hi, I have a database of fashion articles, where each line has an attribut of category, under-category, and color. Some articles are in the same under-category but not in the same color. I'd like to gather these lines in a table with one line for the design, and one column for each color. I can manage to do it with cross tabs because it has to be placed in the summary, where i cannot group my report by category (i'd like one table per under-category) Then i thought to use "under-report" to solve this problem, but i cannot make it work... How can i do ? Thanks
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