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I am Leo

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Everything posted by I am Leo

  1. P1: Change the row height here. P2: You can not stretch the text field horizontally. Just stretch vertically by add textAdjust="StretchHeight" property to the text field. P3: as @bigalex said.
  2. Why don't you format the number in your java application first and then pass it into Jasper to display?
  3. You can not set the value of the parameter in the conditional (ternary) operator. Try the way that @luked comment.
  4. Try to wrap the table by a frame. Set frame the property: stretchType="RelativeToBandHeight", positionType="Float". If it doesn't work. Put the table into a new detail band. Then set the splitType="Prevent"
  5. Caused by: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL I think your application can not get the image from the server.
  6. the JRXML format is the XML file. Just open it => you have an XML file.
  7. I scale everything with (300/72)=4.17 times and they are fit with 300 DPI.
  8. Hi everyone, I am working with jasper report. I have a design of my PDF in A3 paper size with 300 DPI. The resolution is 3508x4961. But in jasper report studio, when I select the A3 size, the resolution is 842x1191 (72 DPI). So how can I change the DPI of my template to 300?
  9. First problem: set WhenNoDataType is AllSectionsNoDetail, the report will not blank anymore. HashMap<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();// Load your templateJasperReport jasperReport = this.loadTemplate();jasperReport.setWhenNoDataType(WhenNoDataTypeEnum.ALL_SECTIONS_NO_DETAIL);// Create an empty datasource.final JRBeanCollectionDataSource dataSource = new JRBeanCollectionDataSource(Collections.singletonList(""));JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, parameters, dataSource);[/code]About inserting the current date, just use new Date() in your report template Second problem: Just put your object into Parameters and define your parameter in your template, you can use parameter perfectly. In java parameters.put("testingParameter", "This is a string.");[/code]In your template: Define <parameter name="testingParameter" class="java.lang.String"/>[/code]And use it: [/code]Third problem: When defining parameter in your template, point the type of that parameter <parameter name="javaObject" class="com.example.YourClass"/>[/code]Then you can use methods in that class such as getters and setters
  10. Do you mean is convert Number to String? Simple, use .toString() method. $P{amount}.toString()[/code]
  11. Use .equals instead of == when comparing string. ($V{month}.equals("01")) ? "Janvier " + $P{Mois}.substring(0,4) : "test"[/code]
  12. Define the type of your parameter. Like below [/code]Then use getter as normal $P{carBasicInfo}.getName()[/code]
  13. C'mon guy! Using command line or any git tool to clone project and import to jasper studio. Hope this can help you
  14. For the first 2 blocks, you can you List component to make it. Inside that list component, just put 2 text fields next to each other and style for them. With the text field has 3 cells inside, just use the expression to show and hide the normal text field and combo three text fields. For the 3rd table, my solution is using normal Table component and style each cell inside the table (use condition style to remove border)
  15. Just put the Locale you want into parameters. HashMap<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();parameters.put("REPORT_LOCALE", Locale.JAPAN);[/code]
  16. Pass a parameter to the subreport. Create a parameter in the subreport and pass it when you define subreport in a master report. Example: "4" new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JREmptyDataSource() "templates/pdf/subreports/detail-layout-2.jasper"[/code]And then create a parameter in subreport: [/code]
  17. May be ChoosePatientType is not supported in your query.
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