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Everything posted by adionicio

  1. Hello, I'm trying to make a report that fills the background color of a field based on percentage, I have managed to do something similar using styles and ended up with something like the image below, how can I fill the field for section progressively? I want to end up with something more similar like a progress bar.
  2. Hello there, is it possible to implement a progress bar chart in jasper, I saw that there's a Radio Progress chart but im looking for something more like this:
  3. Hello there, im trying to set a style that activates if the value of the field is less or greater than zero, I have tried doing something like this $F{field_name} > 0.0, but its says that operator "<" is undefined, I also tried something like new Double($F{field_name}.doubleValue() >0.00) but then it says The constructor Double(boolean) is undefined, can someone help me?
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