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Everything posted by yashaswiniverma397

  1. Hi Iknueve, I tried this property while exporting in xlsx format. However, I am getting a pop up that the data may have been lost. My data is huge so it is getting this error. Is there any property for xlsx? without pop up issue or can handle this? Kindly help.
  2. I have fuction left({fieldname},27) in crystal, How to implement this in jasper. same RIGHT and MID function.
  3. Hi, I have a stored procedure which have a fuction as below- create or replace function abc ( param1 VARCHAR param2 VARCHAR CURSNAME IN OUT XYZ ) and then select query. please suggest a way to call this process to get manually created fields populated in jasper report.
  4. Thankyou C-BOX, :) What if we have 2-3 currency formats, How can we set a patterns for each of them differently? for example : for example we have Japeneese Yen, decimal places = 0, Euro - cents decimal places = 2.
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