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Everything posted by DawnW

  1. Hello, I am using Jaspersoft Studio 6.12.2. I am using the expression editor and need to compare a portion of a string that contains a number to a value. My error is in yhe first part of the statement I believe. my code is: Integer.valueOf($F{(expression)}.substring(0, 4)) < 1999 ? Arrays.asList("AP", "CA", "CC", "CP", "DR","GA","MH", "SC").contains($F{COLUMN_2}) ? "1OLDCIVIL" : "2OLDCRMNL" : "3NEWFILES" $F{(expression) is a string that I need to substring and get an example like 2020. Please help. I am still a newbie. Thx Dawn
  2. DATEFORMAT(NOW( ),"MM/dd/yyyy").setday(DATEFORMAT( org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateUtils.addDays(new java.util.Date(),1) ,"MM/dd/yyyy”)) This -> org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateUtils.addDays(new java.util.Date(),1) adds one day to the current date (equivalent of NOW()) using one of our imported libraries.
  3. did you ever get your answer? I am looking to do something similar.
  4. Hello, I am using Jaspersoft Studio 6.12.2. I have a variable of class java.sql.date. In the expression editor for that variable, I need to add one day to the current date. I find a lot of information in posts but none of it works! Can someone please help with the proper syntax? Please don't refer me to a link because I've probably already been there. Thank you in advance for your help! Dawn
  5. Good Day!! I am looking for help with syntax. I am using Jaspersoft Studio 6.11. I am converting a report from crystal reports to Jaspersoft Studio. I have found many nested if statements but non that follow this format. Please help and Thx in advance. CR code: if {bnch_wrnt_law205.expression:37} = "LAW743p" then if IsNull ({bnch_wrnt_law205.expression:24}) or {bnch_wrnt_law205.expression:24} = '' or {bnch_wrnt_law205.expression:24} = " " then " " else if IsNull ({bnch_wrnt_law205.expression:25}) or {bnch_wrnt_law205.expression:25} = '' or {bnch_wrnt_law205.expression:25} = " " then " " else {bnch_wrnt_law205.expression:26} + " " + {bnch_wrnt_law205.expression:27} + " " + {@Zipcode} else " "; I need to follow that format with Jaspersoft studio. Thanks
  6. var1 ? ((var2 ? "result2" : "result1")) : ( (var3 ? ((var4 ? "result4" : "result3")) : (default))
  7. Hello, I am still a newbie to Jaspersoft studio. I am on Jaspersoft Studio 6.11.0. I am trying to write a nested if statement in the expression editor. I did find many examples but none that followed this format. If statement 1 then if statement 2 then result 2 else ?2 else if statement 3 then if statement4 then result 4 else ?4 else default I have many statements that need to follow this format. I appreciate any help you can offer. Thank you, Dawn
  8. Hello, I am on Jaspersoft studio 6.11. I have created multiple reports and added them to a report book. In the individual report, I have added an image(signature) and report compiles and previews fine. When I run it in the report book I get an error "Byte data not sount at repo:/images/signatures/person_name. I have added the signature using Select a resource from JasperReports Server. The image does exist on the server. It displays ok in the individual report but not thru report books. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Dawn
  9. RE: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/997631/classcastexception-javalangstring-cannot-be-cast-javalangboolean I am facing the same error java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean I removed all the code in my variables and still get the error. I am attaching my source code. Any help would be appreciated. thx
  10. Thank you Leo, I am still confused because I am working in Jaspersoft studio expression editor. How do I deal with the MathContent there?
  11. Hello, I am new to Jaspersoft Studio. I have a variable that is big decimal called $V{cs_bal}. I need to perform several calculations to get the result. All variables and column amounts are big decimal. In common terms: if column 8 > 0 then var(amt_due) + var(pdl_amt) - column 8 else var(amt_due) + var(pdl_amt) + column8 + abs(column 8) The crystal report syntax is: if {acs_out_bal.expression:8} > 0 then {#amt_due} + {#pdl_amt} - {acs_out_bal.expression:8} else {#amt_due} + {#pdl_amt} + {acs_out_bal.expression:8} + Abs ({acs_out_bal.expression:8}); My expression editor I entered: $F{COLUMN_8}.intValue() > 0 ? SUM($V{amt_due},$V{pdl_amt}).subtract($F{COLUMN_8}) : SUM($V{amt_due},$V{pdl_amt},$F{COLUMN_8},ABS($F{COLUMN_8})) I am getting error the method subtract big decimal is undefined for the type number. Thanks in advance for your help, Dawn
  12. Hello Leo, Thank you for your response. I tried the code you listed and received an error when previewing. "The method strim() is undefined for the type of string". I removed the strim() and used one of our custom funstions trim_null (trims both right and left) and it seems to be working. Thank you for your response!! Dawn
  13. In the properties, click on the text field tab. Look for text adjust and set it to Stretch Height.
  14. Hello All, I am a newbie to Jaspersoft Studio. I am on version 6.11. I am trying to build a document in the IDE and am getting incorrect data returned. My code in a variable is: ($F{COLUMN_58} != null) && (!$F{COLUMN_58}.equals("")) && (!$F{COLUMN_58}.equals(" ") ) ? (("JJ# ") + $F{COLUMN_58}) : ( ($F{COLUMN_59} != null && !$F{COLUMN_59}.equals("") && !$F{COLUMN_59}.equals(" ") ? (("DC# ") + $F{COLUMN_59}) : ((" "))) ) Column 58 and 59 are blank/null/" " so the first statement should evaluate to false. but it is printing "JJ# " only. Result for the other condition is also evaluating as true. I have tried using || operators instead of && with no success. Please advise. I am only finding info on evaluating to == or .equals. Not much on NOT== Thanks in Advance Dawn
  15. Hello All, I am a newbie to Jaspersoft Studio. I am on version 6.11. I am trying to build a document in the IDE and am getting an error "Error Type Mismatch: cannot convert from string to boolean. This is a variable (for zip code) and is a string. My code in the expression editor of the variable reads: (LEN(LTRIM($F{COLUMN_7} ) ) > 5) ? ($F{COLUMN_7}.substring(6,4).equals("0000")) : ( ($F{COLUMN_7}.substring(0,5) ? ($F{COLUMN_7}.substring(0,5) + "-" + $F{COLUMN_7}.substring(6,4)) : $F{COLUMN_7}.substring(0,5))) ) I am trying to replicate the code from Crystal reports into Jaspersoft Studio. Crystal Reports Code: if Length (TrimLeft ({cvl_crt_ordrd_schl_ntc.expression:7})) > 5 then if Right ({cvl_crt_ordrd_schl_ntc.expression:7}, 4) = "0000" then Left ({cvl_crt_ordrd_schl_ntc.expression:7}, 5) else Left({cvl_crt_ordrd_schl_ntc.expression:7}, 5) + "-" + Right ({cvl_crt_ordrd_schl_ntc.expression:7}, 4) else Left({cvl_crt_ordrd_schl_ntc.expression:7},5); Can anyone please guide me to the issue. Expression 7 is also a string. Thanks in advance. Sorry if I missed including something. Dawn
  16. Hello, I am a newbie to JSR. Have you found the solution for this yet? I recently upgraded from Studio 6.8 to 6.11 and some existing reports publish fine and others give the same error. Thank you, Dawn Error: org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException: illegal.parameter.value.error Invalid JRXML JRXML.content JRXML.content at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.protocol.restv2.RESTv2ExceptionHandler.handleErrorDescriptor(RESTv2ExceptionHandler.java:121) at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.protocol.restv2.RESTv2ExceptionHandler.handleException(RESTv2ExceptionHandler.java:61) at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.protocol.restv2.ARestV2ConnectionJersey.toObj(ARestV2ConnectionJersey.java:49) at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.protocol.restv2.RestV2ConnectionJersey.addOrModifyResource(RestV2ConnectionJersey.java:631) at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.protocol.ProxyConnection.addOrModifyResource(ProxyConnection.java:332) at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.publish.Publish.publishResources(Publish.java:189) at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.publish.Publish.publish(Publish.java:65) at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.publish.wizard.Publish2ServerWizard$3.run(Publish2ServerWizard.java:309) at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:122)
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