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Everything posted by neurolab.asst.146

  1. Hi, I created a master report organized in the following manner: 1. the pageHeader has one subreport 2. the first detail band has a textfield looking for one set of comments 3. the second and third detail bands each have separate subreports that are aloso different than the first one When all subreports return non-blank values, the report is built as expected. When the second and/or third subreport returns only blank values (the first subreport will always return values for at least 6 of the thirteen fields), the master report is declared to be empty and the master report fails to generate anything, not even the first subreport. I noticed the "When No Data Type" property for a subreport, tried the five options ("No Page","Blank Page", "All Sections No Detail", "No Data Section" & a blank), the results have not changed Is there a way to tell the master report to ignore subreports returning only blank values? Perhaps the subreports should be informed not to return anything
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