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Everything posted by aleix.vaz

  1. Hi there, I'm trying to make us of Jasperserver REST API and I'm getting stuck while trying to get the JSESSIONID for authorizing the GET calls. Does anyone know how should I do this using jQuery? Or alternatively, how could I do it? I would appreciate some help, as it's quite urgent... Thanks in advance,
  2. Hi there, I'm using Jasper Server 7.2.0 and I'm trying to build a JSON data source, but I can't find the option. I tried to follow the following documentation page: https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administration-guide/v610/file-data-sources , but the data sources of the <util:set id="customDataSourcesToHide"> of applicationContext-remote-services.xml are already uncommented. How could I perform this?
  3. Hi, I'm creating a report with a Data Adapter and an input Parametre. The fact is that when I upload it to JasperServer, I have 2 situations: First one, I upload it with no data Adapter and when I enter to report in the server, it asks me for the input parametre/control.If in the report I specify that I want the Data Adapter to be the default DA, once I upload it to the Server it does not ask me for the input.Does anyone know why is this happening and if is there any way to have a report with a default Data Adapter and inputs parametres? Thanks in advance, Aleix
  4. Hi everyone, I'm trying to build a Spider chart from the following JSON data source: [ { "id" : "testingperformance", "name" : "Testing Performance", "metrics" : [ { "id" : "fasttests", "name" : "Fast Tests", "description" : "Percentage of tests under the testing duration threshold", "value" : 0.8 }, { "id" : "somethingelse", "name" : "SE", "description" : "bla bla", "value" : 0.8 }, ... ]} ][/code]Where the serie would be "testingperformance", and I would like to have each "value"as value from the array of "metrics" with its correspondent "name" as category of the chart. Is there anyway to do it? If I write $F{metrics.value} I'm only obtaining the first value of the array, not every single one of them. Thanks in advance, Aleix
  5. Hi! I know this post is from long time ago but... did you find the solution of what you last asked? I'm currently now looking for the same answer.
  6. Thanks! Switching to JSONQL was the solution, "due to its extended capabilities of traversing and filtering JSON structures" as you said in the Sample Reference.
  7. Hi, I have the following JSON file from which my data adapter is reading and I would like to do a Query and select an object depending on its "id". [ { "id":"bugcorrection", "name":"Bug Correction Throughput", "description":""Density of errors that were corrected within the defined duration threshold"", "value":0.5, "value_description":"0,50", "date":"2019-09-19", "datasource":null, "rationale":"parameters: {totalCommitsRelatedToIssue=0, lastSnapshotDate=2019-01-01, ...", "forecastingError":null }, ... { "id":"bugidentification", ... }][/code] My idea is to do something like (id == "bugcorrection") to get this single object from the array. Is there any way to do it? I've seen some examples but non of them is what I'm asking, and tbh I'm quite new to jasper... Thanks in advance,
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