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  1. Hello. I wanted to ask if anyone has found a solution to this problem: We currently have the latest version of jaspersoft comunnity installed on our server. We generate reports through URLs. There is a problem with the locale settings on our clients computers. I read that it is recommended to change the locale directly on the chrome browser, the problem is we have around 1000 diferent clients it is impossible to change every browser and they can also access with new laptops or computers so that is an impossible task. Is there any way that anyone faced and solved this issue? The problem seems to be that the locale is set on latin america and not an actual country. Also on the previous version of jaspersoft we had a different problem, the report didn't load some times on some computers we had to clear the cache or access in incognito mode. We have both versions available. If anyone has a solution to any of the two problems I mentioned I would be extremely thankful for the support. Current problem error message image: Sincerely, David.
  2. Thanks for the answer ruthran, we did upgrade, but we get another error on the latest version. Do you know where we could contact support directly. ?
  3. Hello, were you able to solve this issue?. I am currently facing the same problem at my College, we have reports that are generated by URL, but we have to clean cache of our users every once in a while. Since we have around 1000 users or machines it becomes difficult to do this every time. I checked the applicationContext-webapp.xml but im not able to find the property name="headersRules" . I would be extremely thankful if you could provide any advice. -David.
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