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Everything posted by ankitshanker1304

  1. Hello all, I am using Jasper Studio and facing problem in formatting of text fields while exporting the report in .pptx format. My scenario is: I am displaying simple tabular format data where I have kept column headers(static text) in "Column Header" band and text fields to display corresponding values in "Detail" band. There are 6 columns and one of the column has large no. of data which doesn't fit in cell while exporting in .pptx format. I have selected "stretch with overflow" option for all text fields and selected stretch type as "Relative to tallest object". Strangely when I preview the report, it looks perfect with stretched text field to the max till data lasts but when I export it to PowerPoint format, it breaks and data overflows to next row. While exporting the same in PDF format, it again works fine. Do we have any properties for PowerPoint export or is it a limitation of Jaspersoft? Please let me know.
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