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Everything posted by julio_12

  1. Thank you for the explanation! I'll try it and let you know the results.
  2. Hello all. I need to create a report that shows data from Jsonql data source but, instead of reading this data from a file, reads it from a Json string? Regards
  3. Thank you very much! I got the concept and it was possible to reproduce. I understood that the key is "dislocate" the report to an internal node then "walk" through JSON structure to position other fields, right? You were very helpful!
  4. Hi narcism. It's not a complex report. The JSON data is almost simple as the exem above. I just want to show some Invoice main data in header (cutsomer name, customer VAT, date, customer address) and the items he bought in details (item name, quantity, unitary value and total value). I just can't figured it out how to show the "items" part of JSON as details in the report.
  5. Hello all. I'm very new with this tool, and I'm trying to create an invoice report. I can easily use JSON as data source and put the invoice data in page header, but I can't understand how can I show the items in details section. Must I use a subreport for that? My JSON is something like this: { "invoice": [ { "number": 1234 "items": [ { "name": "Product name", "value": "10.00" }, { "name": "Product name", "value": "10.00" } ] } }
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