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Everything posted by nicknxswart.nl

  1. Hello, again and still I have the problem that my jasperserver on a Vultr VM breaks after generating around 400 reports. I want to limit the java heap size but how to do this on a Ubuntu server?
  2. Our system does 400 calls to the jasperserver to generate the reports so in this case I asume 400 jobs. We now tried to limit the java memory by export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1536m -Xmx1536m -XX:PermSize=32m"[/code]But I'm not sure if this will work?
  3. Is there a way to fix this so we can stay on this amount of memory? Increasing it makes it more expensive and for only a few reports that does not make a lot of sense.
  4. We have jasper 7 running, is there not a way to limit the amount of memory that Java can use so this error wil not happen anymore?
  5. Hello people! Unfortnaly I have a problem with my JasperServer, but maybe you could be the one to help me out! Every month there is one process that generates around 400 documents. Last night this process again run and the JasperServer got a error: Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM warning: INFO: os::commit_memory(0x00000000d61b0000, 485883904, 0) failed; error='Cannot allocate memory' (errno=12)## There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.# Native memory allocation (mmap) failed to map 485883904 bytes for committing reserved memory.[/code] The JasperServer 7 is running on a Ubuntu 19.04 Vultr machine with 2048 MB of RAM. Based on the JasperServer specs I would asume it's better to increase the amount of RAM and probably the allocate memory error will then also be fixed. But I want to try to get this problem fixed without adding more ram to the server. Would anyone have some tips for me on how to doing that? Kind regards,
  6. So the problem is not in the firewall or anything I had to start the service again by doing ./ctlscript.sh start. So when a lot of reports are generated some how the service crashes and stops.
  7. Hello! Thank you for your time to read my question, I can image you will have a busy life so I apricate your time. I have a jasperserver version 7 running in the cloud. With the rest service PostReportExecutions we generate reports on the server. Every month there is a process that runs at night and generates around the 400 repots. Last night it did that in a few min of time. Only for some reason when I now try to generate a report I get a connection refused error from the server. The service stopt partiualy I needed to do: ./ctlscript.sh start to start it again.
  8. This will work when you include the response cookie from the generate service to the get report service.
  9. Probably you already got the answer but I got the same problem. The fix is the headers from the first request should be passed to the next request. If you do so it will work.
  10. Dear JasperServer experts, Thank you for taking your time to look at my question in your busy schedule. For sure I'm doing something wrong and hopefully you can help me to get this problem solved. Yesterday I installed Jasperserver 7.2.0 on a Ubuntu 19.04 vps, the install has been succesfully and jasperserver is now accesable on the IP address. To make the Jasperserver accesable from the world wide web the NGINX server is working as a reverse proxy to send the trafic to the Jasperserver. I can now access the Jasper server from the web and all works perfectly. Only after login in into the jasperserver the page keeps refreshing. Please feel free to ask me for specific information if it's missing. Kind regards,
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