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Posts posted by nicknxswart.nl

  1. Alright just did a new linux installation, created a blank report with only your code and the error that I get:

    2023-04-17T17:40:40,510 ERROR SecureExceptionHandlerImpl,pool-9-thread-3:125 - There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: 2de27cbd-da38-43ba-8204-c01b12afb788). Could not find matching constructor for: java.util.Date(BigDecimal) net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRExpressionEvalException: Error evaluating expression for source text: DAYSINMONTH(new java.util.Date(03/01/2023))

    So there is a problem in the linux installation.

    The steps I did:

    apt-get updatesudo apt install chromium-browserwget -O jasperserver.run "https:/"chmod +x jasperserver.runsudo ./jasperserver.runufw allow 8080cd /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1 ./ctlscript.sh start[/code]

    Then I call the report by the rest api with a json string cast to the data bundle

  2. I did a clean install on ubuntu 22.04 I have a java.sql.date. So I'm doing: DAYSINMONTH($F{EndDate}) and the EndDate is mapped to a field from a json file with the type java.sql.date. I have both the joda-convert-1.3.1.jar and the joda-time-2.2.jar file in the lib folder. Probably you did not do a linux install right? I will set up a new VPS and install again the latest version and let you know if I have the problem again. If so than the problem is within the linux installer.


  3. Hi!

    I installed jasperserver 8.1.1 and migrated some reports. Only the discrover that the reports on the new server not work because the use build in functions like: DAYSINMONTH.

    Any advice on how to fix this, is there a bug in server 8.1.1. or are jar files missing that should be in the default installation but are not there?


  4. @lucianc thanks for your reply.

    If I for example follow https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/custom-font-font-extension 

    I cant get the custom front added there because of a bug in the jasper studio 6.20.1

    I created a jar file manualy but I do not if it's correct:

    The jasperreports_extension.properties looks like:





    The font.xml like:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    <fontFamily name="Calibri">










    And the fonts are also in the jar.


    I added this jar file to the WEB-INF/lib folder and restarted the server but if I run the report the font's are not working



  5. Hi!

    Can you help me setting up the Calibri font on the 8.1.1 community edition. I have this working on a 7.2.0 version but can't get it working on the 8.1.1.

    I migrated the reports from the 7.2.0 version to the new server that is running 8.1.1.

    I tried adding the fonts.xml and even a jar file but all not working.

    Also I don't see any errors in the catalina.out even when I set the ignore font to false.

    Help would be really great!

  6. When I check the error log I see:

    2021-09-16 09:38:22,406 ERROR SecureExceptionHandlerImpl,pool-5-thread-289:116 - There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: daf28a1e-52a0-4d29-863b-4566a0d7cf3a)

    2021-09-16 09:40:03,990 ERROR SecureExceptionHandlerImpl,pool-5-thread-290:116 - There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: 35507256-efeb-419b-b3ad-26167210cba8)

    2021-09-16 09:41:57,231 ERROR SecureExceptionHandlerImpl,pool-5-thread-292:116 - There was an error on the server. Try again or contact site administrators. (Error UID: 1cd808fa-df3f-42b2-b92b-92dbd0b0123f)

    After that jasperserver stops working and when I go to the url I know see: 502 Bad Gateway

    Any idea what could cause this crash or how I could find out?

  7. We are using the Rest API to generate a report. There we can set the output format like for example pdf.

    But in a use case we need to display the report as a image so we are wondering if it would be possilbe to generate a report in a image format like png?


  8. I have a field for example $F{name} and a piece of text in the resource bundle for example like:

    "Hello my name is: X and I have to say jasper is a great tool!"

    I would like to have the $F{name} on the X but I can't add the field to the resource bundle because it will then be printed as plain text.

    Anyone a idea on how to do this?

  9. We need to send customized emails, just like reports we tought we could create those reports in Jasper.

    Then fetch the HTML and use that to send as a email.

    In this case all the designing takes part in Jasper.

    Only I did not see a way to insert css in the report and some overhead is generated in the HTML.

    Does anyone have some experience with this?

  10. Hi!

    I have a peace of JSON:

    "vat_lines": {
                "line": [
                        "rate": 0.21,
                        "amount": 16.00
                        "rate": 0.21,
                        "amount": 16.00


    I only want to print a band if there are more then 0 objects in the list.

    I think it can be done by something with a variable but I cant seem to get it working.

    Any tips?


  11. Just making my question a bit more specific, when I run the report in jasperstudio I use a local data source JSON file. When I run the report in production we send a parameter REPORT_DATA with json and then: new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream($P{REPORT_DATA}.getBytes("UTF-8")). So in production we can pass the REPORT_DATA parameter to the subreports and all the data is there. But when we run the report localy the REPORT_DATA contains no data because of the local JSON file. How should we do this that local and in production we could run the report and see it with data?

  12. So say that you have a json:

            "customer": {
                "code": "102",
                "name": "Jan"

    What if you want to get the "name" from the JSON to display in a report.

    Normaly in the dataset and query I would set the query path to customer.

    But say for example the json looks like:

        "something": {
            "customer": {
                "code": "102",
                "name": "Jan"

    I want to fetch the field name to display in the report.

    I could set the dataset and query to "something" and the field expression to: customer.name.

    Than it will work but what if I don't know and don't care about the parant.

    Normaly in xpath I would do //name and it will fetch the field name from the xml.

    But now in json I cant get it to work to in the field expression search for the field name.

  13. Hi!

    I switched from datasource from xml to JSON.

    Before I did //name to get the field from the datasource because I do not know the parants of the object.

    I want do do the same thing with JSON so I ried ..name and $..name and so on but I cant seem to get it to work.

    Any tips?

  14. Hi!

    I have a report with a json data source and a subreport(S1) that opens a nother subreport(S2).

    The idea is that S1 is dynamic and is just passing the received data source to the S3.

    I know for sure that this is working:


    But this limits S1 for passing only Json data sources, so I'm looking for a more generic way of passing the data source.

    I tried to only send the $P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE} to S1 and pass it to S2 but this is not working.

    Any one a idea on how to pass data to the subreports without specifying that it's JSON?

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