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  1. Hello, with the property "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.row.outline.level.1" I can merge Rows in Excel. I have found nothing how to do the same with colums. Is that possible? Thank you for your help kind regards
  2. Hi, how can I sort descending an Excel column? Thank you
  3. ok i found out. the property was wrong on the report. it must be dd.MM.yyyy.
  4. Hello, ich get the wrong month with the Jasper Function MONTH: DATE(YEAR($F{datestartexmpl}),MONTH($F{datestartexmpl}),DAY($F{datestartexmpl})) The source is 2019.11.15 17:00:00 and the pattern in this texfield is dd.mm.yyyy and I get 15.01.2019 Only the month is wrong. What can I do? Is there a bug? Thank you
  5. Hello C-Box, I set the properties for the jrxml file in Jasper Studio. These are not set in the jasperreports.properties file on the Server. The Jasperserver has the version 6.4.2 and the Studio wher I set the properties has 6.6.0. Can that be the problem? Thank you for the help regards
  6. Hello. I set the margins in the properties. It works locally in jasper, but does nocht work on server. Do you have an idea why? - net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.page.top.margin - specifies the page top margin in pixels - net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.page.left.margin - specifies the page left margin in pixels - net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.page.bottom.margin - specifies the page bottom margin in pixels - net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.page.right.margin - specifies the page right margin in pixels - net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.header.margin - specifies the header margin in pixels - net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.print.footer.margin - specifies the footer margin in pixels Thank you
  7. Thank you very much C-Box!! I made a group band as you suggested. Works perfectly!
  8. Hello, How can I get the total number of lines in the detail band. I would like to have a detail 2 band or column footer band appear only when the detail 1 band is finished. I always get the current number of lines, no matter if I am in Page Footer or Column Footer. I tried a variable, but that did not work. Do you have any advice for this? Thank you Best regards
  9. Thank you very much C-Box!!! It works great!!! Best regards!! Yes, now I have a problem with more than 33 lines. I have the subreport with the empty lines in column footer. If I have more then 33 lines, i want that the subreport appear when the $V{REPORT_COUNT}%33>0. But in every row of the Detailband, the subreport appears and I have many empty Rows. How can I make sure that at the end of the table I have the total number of lines and then the column band comes. I've already tried Pagecount. But that did not work Thank you!
  10. Hello, i would like to have a number of 33 rows in the detail band no matter if 10 or 5 rows are filled. I´ve tried a lot but i did not find a solution. Can you please help me? Thank you
  11. ok, I found out. It's very easy. All you have to do is set the Attribute Markup text value to "html"
  12. Hello, I have a specical character in my xml Datasource: <xmltag><test</xmltag> The Text should read "<test" in my Pdf. This code in the Text Field jasper Studio does not work: $F{xmltag}.contains( "<" )?$F{xmltag}.replace( "<","<" ):$F{xmltag} Can you please help me? Thank you
  13. Hello, how can I display a subreport in the second worksheet in Excel? best regards yel
  14. Hello C-Box, hello hozawa, thank you very much for your help. Your suggestions have helped me a lot! best regards yel
  15. In the Print when Expression field, I put the following condition to show or hide the frame: IF((($F{imp_item_revision_id_1}.isEmpty()==false) || ($F{sol_item_revision_id_1}.isEmpty()==false)), Boolean.TRUE,Boolean.FALSE) If one of the two conditions is true, the frame should be displayed. But if the first is false and the second is true, in this case the frame disappears. I dont understand why?
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