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Everything posted by jbowman_1

  1. I am creating a report and trying to filter it down to certain locations. Our IDs are all uniqueidentifiers. When i try to do $X{IN,Table.LocationID, LocationID} Where the LocationID is a defined parameter as a java.util.Collection class type I get the conversion failed. How can I get results for my report where a Guid is in the passed in collection? I have tried Casting the Table.LocationID as varchar and that didn't work.
  2. We are using SQL and a view to get our data. We are using ad hoc views to back the reports. The database has alot of records. When it goes to load the filters it is taking 1.5 minutes per filter to load. There are 7 filters on the report that we are currently working with. What options are there to minimize the load time for filters? In the ad hoc settings there are two policies. We have the Optimize Queries for Domain-based Reports checked and the Optimize Queries for JDBC-based Reports unchecked. What is the recommended setting values when dealing with SQL databases and views?
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