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Everything posted by stephen.chalastra

  1. I have a report that has columns with explicit widths. It looks as designed in Java and PDF: But when I output to HTML, the column widths change and I'm not sure why: I can't see anything in the UI or the documentation that might explain this. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
  2. We have exactly the same need. Too bad there are no responses to this yet. If anyone has an answer, we'd love to see it. Alternatively, if you figured this out for yourself, Deepinder, could you share your solution? Thanks, Steve
  3. Jaspersoft newbie here - this is my first post, so if I'm approaching this the wrong way, suggestions are appreciated. My Jaspersoft Studio 6.6.0 report is 1008px with 30px margins. When I include the HTML output in an Angular client, the <td> that contains the jrTable is very narrow due to the td's above and below that are set to width: 50%. If I fix the width of the table in CSS, it looks okay but is non-responsive. If I delete the adjacent td's from the DOM, the output is how I want it. My question is: where is the HTML framework defined and how do I access it to remove or shrink the adjacents td's? Or even better, is there a way to configure this? Thanks! Steve
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