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Everything posted by bansri.gor

  1. I export the main report(Course report) from Jasper studio. And that courseReport Content one subreport (course data). I added course data in a resource of the main report. course data have two subreports (sub-1 and sub-2). I also Add that sub_1 and sub_2 in the resource content of the main report. But sub_1 and sub_2 not found error generate. structure of the report is below. Main report (CourseReport) ---------(content)----> subreport (CourseData) CourseData -------(content)-----> sub1 and sub2 (this is two subreports) . please help me to solve those issues. if anyone knows that then please answer. It's urgent. Thank you
  2. Hello, I am the beginner In the Jasper studio. I try to add below Property for add excel formula. <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.formula"> <![CDATA[=($'COURSE INFO'.C7')]]> </property> this Property Gives me a runtime error. this error is below net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: org.apache.poi.ss.formula.FormulaParseException: Parse error near char 1 '$' in specified formula '($'COURSE INFO'.C7')'. Expected number, string, defined name, or data table Excel Formula not work. Tell me. Please, How can I solve those error?
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