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Sameer Mandaokar

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Everything posted by Sameer Mandaokar

  1. Hi Team, We're using JasperReports v6.13.0 and we've requirement to show the Rich Text Data as part of Jasper Report output. We want to use Generic Element to hold the content and hence set below property to this generic element 1. Generic Type Name = "htmlelement" 2. Generic Type Namespace = "http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports/html" When this generic element is feeded with data having 300-500 lines then it only shows 30 lines in HTML format and strips other lines. In PDF, it shows all the line but Font size get's reduced to non-visible state. This is not the case with TextField element, as its gets scale automatically and honor all the lines correctly. We tried with various values for scaleType parameter but none of them worked for us for Generic element. Can you please provide any tweak or authoring details to acheive this auto-scaling behavior to honor all the data of large size. Regards, Sameer.
  2. Hi All, We're using Jasper Reports library version 6.13.0 in embedded way with our product. In JRXML we are specifying the data source based on XML stream data i.e, JRXMLDataSource which has URL for XML stream data. Is there any way that we can interrupt the report filling of JasperFillManager.fillReport API which can ensure than any underlying datasource defined on JRXML will also get interrupted? Please note that JRQueryExecutor doesn't suit our requirement hence we're not using it in our product. Basically we want to control fill report based at given point of time to terminate ongoing execution of data-source fetching and Jasper Engine's processing. Regards, Sameer Mandaokar.
  3. Hi All, We're using standalone jasperreports library v6.8.1(community edition) in embedded mode with our product. As per published CVE-2020-9410, it seems all the jasperreports version 7.1.1 and below are vulnerable for this security issue. Can you please confirm if this is applicable for jasperreport library 6.8.1 when used inside application which doesn't uses Jasper's HTML component to render the report-output? If yes, then which version of jasperreports library wil fix this issue and what is the release date for this? WIll there be any patch for existing versions like v6.8.1. Thanks, Sameer Mandaokar
  4. Hi All, What are the different ways/configurations available so that JasperReports library(v6.8.1) can send data to external systems? Apart from ExportManager, do we have other artifacts/configurations which can publish the JasperPrint object to external system? Does JasperReport library send any usage data to other systems? Regards, Sameer.
  5. Hello All, We're using Google's Noto fonts ( Noto Sans CJK jp and Noto Sans font families) as Custom font with Jasper Reports 6.8.1. We want to export same PDF with embedded fonts in 10 languages (English/Spanish/German/French/Chinese Simplified/Chinese Traditional/Japanese/Korean/Russian/Italian) using locale specific resource bundles. We've found that using Noto Sans CJK jp font Jasper Engine succesfully creates PDF which shows all characters correctly in all Web Browsers / Document Viewer app etc. However Adobe Acrobat reader is not able to extract embedded fonts, throws error and hence doesn't render the localized data/label on PDF. Tried encoding 'CP1252'/'Identity-H'/'CP1250', however none of this shows the localized data in all the mentioned languages, Do you know any standard guidelines around embedding fonts so that it should work seamlessly with Adobe too? Thanks, Sameer Mandaokar.
  6. Hi All, I've implemented JRDataSourceProvider and JRDataSource interface to author JRXML. I've package them inside jar and added it to jasper project classpath and jasper studio plugin directory(inside studio installation directory). Afterdoing this configuration, i'm able to locate my Provider classes and fields while adapter definition. I used those fields and able to see the preview data, however after sometime i started getting ClassNotFound exceptions for the same classes which were visible to me earlier. Went through studio ultimate guide, apart from adding custom jar to buildpath, i don't find any other recommendation for this. Can you please recommend if you know the solution for this?
  7. Mainly because of license difference, want to know if JasperReportLibrary provide any hook to plug Apache PDFBox as replacement for iText.
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