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Everything posted by jatin.bidaye_1

  1. Hi Team, I stumbled upon this issue, where a JasperChart is truncated on a JasperReports Server. The said chart is rendered in SVG format, and the export is default to screen (i.e. HTML). We coundn't encounter this issue with HTML format on Jasper Studio OR with PDF format on Server as well as Studio. To debug the Root cause, I took the JRPRINT file from JasperServer, and exported it programatically to PDF and HTML formats by referencing all the JARs from JasperServer lib. Even with this approach the exports were fine. Does anyone from community know the Root cause for this i.e. 1a (see below) ? Here is a summary: Export/EnvironmentJasperServer(1) JasperStudio(2) using JRPRINT file from JasperServer(3)HTML(a) Chart truncatesExports fineExports finePDF(b)Exports fineExports fineExports fineEnvironment details: JasperReports Server CE(Product Version: 7.5.0, Build: 20191206_1440) . Jaspersoft Studio Community Edition 6.13.0 Attachment Details: 1.JRPRINT file: 3Charts.jrprint 2. Export/EnvironmentJasperServerJasperStudioJRPRINTHTML3Charts.jasperserver.html3Charts.jasperstudio.html3Charts.jrprint.htmlPDF3Charts.jasperserver.pdf3Charts.jasperstudio.pdf3Charts.jrprint.pdfThanks and Regards, Jatin A. Bidaye
  2. Hello, I am trying to get the resource descriptor of a file using following link, However, it gives the actual file contents. HTTP Method: GET Link: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/resources/reports/JRXML1?j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin However, for a report unit, the same command gets the resource descriptor HTTP Method: GET Link: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/resources/reports/UploadingReport?j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin Output: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><reportUnit> <creationDate>2019-02-27T18:21:24</creationDate> <description></description> <label>UploadingReport</label> <permissionMask>1</permissionMask> <updateDate>2019-02-27T19:41:09</updateDate> <uri>/reports/UploadingReport</uri> <version>5</version> <alwaysPromptControls>false</alwaysPromptControls> <controlsLayout>popupScreen</controlsLayout> <inputControlRenderingView></inputControlRenderingView> <jrxmlFileReference> <uri>/reports/JRXML1</uri> </jrxmlFileReference> <reportRenderingView></reportRenderingView></reportUnit>[/code]What is the correct command to get the details of a File resource in terms of a resource descriptor? Regards, Jatin
  3. Greetings, I am trying to create a folder on JasperServer using the following JAVA code. But, I am not sure where will the XML descriptor for the folder go. Here is the code: URL url = new URL("http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/resources/datasources?j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin");HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();conn.setRequestMethod("PUT");conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/repository.folder+xml"); Thanks and Regards
  4. Greetings, We are planning to upgrade out enterprise JasperServer from v4.5 to v7.1. The upgrade path highlighted by the official guide is v4.5->v6.x->v7.1. While the intermediate step of upgrading to v6.x is fine, but there are no specific technical reasons mentioned in the official guide book or Release notes for this. We would like to understand the concise technical requirements for upgrading to this interim version. Thanks and Regards, Jatin Bidaye
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