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  1. I need to create a Bar column chart that represents Sales Revenue Year on year basis and label showing values with 2 decimal places. Financial YearSales Revenue (in Thoudands)Expectation from Jasper chartResult Currently getting from Jasper ChartFY18112,000.90112.90112000.908768FY19134,900.87134.87134,900.890907FY2089,000.8089.9089,000.79990FY21119,900.00119.00119,900.00005Currently when creating a chart in JasperReports Server > Adhoc view, I am getting full values as labels like 112000.908909 and not 112.90. Can there be any property that I can add on chart type that can help me to get expected result along with control on number of decimal values i can add to labels
  2. Is it possible to apply conditional formatting on report created from adhoc view against few records which needs to be highlighted while preview? Example - I have a report that show 400 stock items and its current stock which is available against it. I want to be able to highlight record where current stock is Negative
  3. I tried using values in Appearance tab but it didn't worked. It show some 8 digits after decimal in column chart as label, however when hover to colum it only shows 2 decimal I am using property - plotOptions.series.dataLabels.enabled Can anyone help if I am missing on any property here? This is what I am getting
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