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Everything posted by michael.hafner

  1. Hi all, I am looking for a solution (in plain jasper reports without the possibility to program something in java as the app is a given commercial product of an external company) to have an image scale to the given width of the image field on the report but to keep the shape (relation between x and y) intact and just dynamically stretch the height if neccessary (if it is too small to fit the scaled image in). This is with JR 5.6.0. I mean - something like scale image type "Retain shape" in combination with "Fill width and stretch height if neccessary" (the latter does not exist). Optically, the same can be achieved by just making the height of an image oversized - and then diverse different picture heights are possible and all stretch to the max width. But the goal should be to only use as much height for the image field as neccessary and push (float) fields below the image to the exact height of the current picture. Any chance to achieve that? With kind regards, Michael
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