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Everything posted by aavila_1

  1. Hi to all, im searching for days a method to return a record from datasource, a sigle record, the records are store in a row of a field, whatever field, but really i not find a method, i need make a report template with an company name, address, document and other data in the title, but the textfield need change based on the company focused, but all of the data needed are in a field from datasource, please, how i can extract, return, select or wichever way the records for use in the static bands?
  2. can you please share a example how do this with cvs file as datasource?
  3. Thanks very much, im still in the learning phase, but will analyze your awser, thanks again
  4. Hi to all! im new in this, and i want to know how to display a single field value in text field for example, get the company name from the data source and set it to the header from a colum, is that possible?
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